Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas is over

Do I look tired?

What a fast Christmas. With the munchkin getting sick right before, to me getting sick Christmas Eve morning, I can honestly say that I'm glad it is over. We had a great Christmas and I'm not quite sure if the Munchkin understood it all, but I know that the understanding is just around the corner.

She got many gifts from all of the family but I think her favorite gift is the puppy that her Auntie got her. Santa brought the same gift but it was discretely returned without the munchkin's knowledge.

Monday, December 15, 2008

This is a test

Ok, trying something new. Here is a video of the munchkin and the chicken. I hope.

Monday, December 1, 2008


Moving right along. Thanksgiving... I expected the Munchkin to eat mashed potatoes, stuffing and all the fun stuff. Well, she ate nothing after breakfast. Everything that I placed in front of her went to the floor. Too much excitement? Just not hungry? I may never know... But here are a couple of pictures from that day.

The Munchkin running from Nanny!

The Munchkin and her cousin "The Pale One"

Halloween Pictures

Yes, I know we just had Thanksgiving. I have just taken the time to clean my camera of all of its pictures. So here are a few more from Munchkin's Halloween.

Does the Dog look hungry?

Monday, November 24, 2008

Munchkin's Christmas Gifts

Yes, it has been some time since I've last posted anything. I need to take more pictures of the Munchkin that will be happening soon.

Saturday night we took her Christmas shopping. She ended up picking out her own gifts, so hopefully she will not remember these gifts Christmas morning when they appear under the tree.

She picked out this first and continued to play with it for 15 minutes:

Then she picked this:

I hope she likes this as much as I do:

And we got her this because she liked it and talked to it:

Monday, November 10, 2008

It's 3:00 a.m.

It's 3:00 a.m. and we are awake. It began at midnight and we've been crying off and on since then. I'm guessing we're getting more teeth, it is the only explanation for this episode. So here are a couple of pictures from the munchkins past!

The picture below was from the Munchkin's first trip to the beach and meeting Aunt Fran and Uncle Fuzz!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

What makes a little girl cry?

Last night all was well. Munchkin went to sleep close to her usual time without any fuss. Around 9:30 p.m. the crying began. She flips and flops around in her crib and begins her cries of frustration. Does she have a tummy ache? Did she have a bad dream? Was she angry that she was awake? I may never know until she can speak clearly....

Monday, November 3, 2008

Lesson Learned

I learned something yesterday. The munchkin and I went to the warehouse store yesterday to buy necessities. When we left I filled a sippy cup with water and she was happy. However, I then proceded to go to the fast food drivethru for french fries and a drink for me. I didn't realize that now her car seat faces the front of the van and she can now see my every move! Needless to say I had to pull over to feed french fries to my daughter.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


This picture was taken right before the meltdown. We weren't ready for Halloween just yet.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Great shopping site

Today at lunch one of my co-workers told me about her favorite new website. I think it will be mine also!

Go here to see:

Might be a good place to get Christmas gifts for my geeky friends!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Bath Time

Look how long my hair is getting!


I can float on my back with my Mommy's help!

Monday, October 27, 2008

I love leaves!

I'm going to put this leaf in my mouth.

I told you I was going to do it!

Play Time

I'm going to get it

Just have to stand up

Peek a boo I finally see you

Thursday, October 23, 2008

7 Strange Things About Me

as tagged by Boogie Mom

1. I left teaching high schoolers for the corporate world.
2. I left the corporate world for teaching middle schoolers (very strange)
3. I love to eat cake for breakfast.
4. Did I say that I teach middle school students?
5. My dog sleeps in the bed with me and my husband.
6. I too was afraid my house would burn down, I would pray every night for there to be no fires.
7. I'm deathly afraid of spiders. (Did I say I teach middle school students and love them?)

I don't know anyone else who blogs so I have no one to tag.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Morning Routine

Every morning I get to wake the little munchkin for her daily commute to one of the Grandma's. This morning was especially fun, you see she doesn't like to wake up in the mornings. I begin by calling her name softly and she then rolls around and covers her head. Then we change her diaper, still with her head covered. Finally after struggling with the diaper I put on her coat and out the door we go. By the way, she still clings to her blankie!

After getting her in the car seat, she is finally awake and happy! Once I turn on the radio she begins singing to her favorite song that I play when we get in the van! It usually sounds like Ahhh, Ahhh, Ahhh, but it is singing none the less. Her favorite song is the "Hot Dog Song" from the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Instead of a real pony

Last year for Christmas Auntie got the munchkin a pony that sings and makes horse sounds. Maybe this year she will get this from her!!! This one actually moves!

Swimming Lessons

We have finished our first course in swimming lessons. I think that we will take the same course again when she is older, maybe she will listen better to the instructions. She did however go under the water without any crying! Pictures to follow soon

Sunday, October 19, 2008

I love to eat

I love to eat macaroni and cheese! Mommy has to give me a bath after I eat!

Poppa and me

Do I look tired?

I had a lot of fun at the party last night. I shook my booty and then Mommy took me home to go to bed!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Country Girl

I love the leaves! They help me clean my teeth.



Anne's new obsession is this tree in our front yard.

This looks like it could be a pose for her senior portrait!