Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Morning Routine

Every morning I get to wake the little munchkin for her daily commute to one of the Grandma's. This morning was especially fun, you see she doesn't like to wake up in the mornings. I begin by calling her name softly and she then rolls around and covers her head. Then we change her diaper, still with her head covered. Finally after struggling with the diaper I put on her coat and out the door we go. By the way, she still clings to her blankie!

After getting her in the car seat, she is finally awake and happy! Once I turn on the radio she begins singing to her favorite song that I play when we get in the van! It usually sounds like Ahhh, Ahhh, Ahhh, but it is singing none the less. Her favorite song is the "Hot Dog Song" from the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.

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