Monday, November 3, 2008

Lesson Learned

I learned something yesterday. The munchkin and I went to the warehouse store yesterday to buy necessities. When we left I filled a sippy cup with water and she was happy. However, I then proceded to go to the fast food drivethru for french fries and a drink for me. I didn't realize that now her car seat faces the front of the van and she can now see my every move! Needless to say I had to pull over to feed french fries to my daughter.


Paula said...

I am new to this blog thing, but I found your blog and I must give you kudos. I am a mother of a 3 yr old boy who resembles his football playing dad in size and mentality. I also have a daughter who will be 2 in Jan but believes she is 16. It amazes me how independent little girls are. Anyway, I have given in to the occasional french fry feeding myself, as well as the one time I fed them cupcakes for breakfast because my coffee hadn't gotten me on my feet in time to actually make breakfast. I started a blog at ttp:// about my little ones and what they have meant to me. It is a work in progress, but I too know no other bloggers and feel lucky to find another "mom" blogger. If you are interested we could share some mom stories. Thanks for your time. You daughter is beautiful.

C. Beth said...

Ha!! :) I've heard multiple stories of kids who go through bank drive throughs with their moms and start demanding "FRENCH FRIES!" I know my daughter (almost 3) loves fries. We do what we gotta do, right?

Thanks so much for visiting The One Minute Writer. Wanted to check out your blog because I'm drawn to mommy blogs, and your comment today was a good one!

Beth (my personal/mommy blog)