Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas is over

Do I look tired?

What a fast Christmas. With the munchkin getting sick right before, to me getting sick Christmas Eve morning, I can honestly say that I'm glad it is over. We had a great Christmas and I'm not quite sure if the Munchkin understood it all, but I know that the understanding is just around the corner.

She got many gifts from all of the family but I think her favorite gift is the puppy that her Auntie got her. Santa brought the same gift but it was discretely returned without the munchkin's knowledge.

Monday, December 15, 2008

This is a test

Ok, trying something new. Here is a video of the munchkin and the chicken. I hope.

Monday, December 1, 2008


Moving right along. Thanksgiving... I expected the Munchkin to eat mashed potatoes, stuffing and all the fun stuff. Well, she ate nothing after breakfast. Everything that I placed in front of her went to the floor. Too much excitement? Just not hungry? I may never know... But here are a couple of pictures from that day.

The Munchkin running from Nanny!

The Munchkin and her cousin "The Pale One"

Halloween Pictures

Yes, I know we just had Thanksgiving. I have just taken the time to clean my camera of all of its pictures. So here are a few more from Munchkin's Halloween.

Does the Dog look hungry?